Make open-data accessible in underserved areas.

d-Node aims to spread the use of data in underserved areas, replacing hunches with hard evidence. We provide a platform for open-data in social domains and areas where it matters the most. d-Node allows companies, NGOs, researchers, governments and other organizations to share their data for the common good.

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Data layers of Ghana country
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Deliver funding for impact & data-by-design projects

Does your organization want to support innovative projects in underserved areas, while creating data?

By joining d-Node, your organization pledges to work with impactful projects on collecting the data that matters the most. We streamline the process so you can focus on your impact, while gaining valuable insights on the area.

Let's try

Why you should engage in impactful open-data projects

Expansion into international markets

Partnering with locally implemented actors offers you a true mean of collecting data, that is serving the ecosystem. You gain market intelligence, and so do local NGOs and economic stakeholders.

Enhance your reputation and Social Responsibility

Social initiatives bring positive media exposure and improve the organization's image as a socially responsible. This can attract customers, investors, and talented employees who want to be associated with organizations striving to make a positive impact.

Contribute to open-data where it matters the most

There is a huge data gap in underserved areas. This lack of information is a true issue for NGOs and social projects that can not afford to collect data for their operations. By supporting the collection of open-data, your impact is evolving with local ecosystems and communities.

Let's try

Position your company as a pivotal force in driving social change

d-node market platform

Fund what matters

With our platform spanning diverse geographical areas and all SDGs, find the impact project to finance that best aligns with your company's vision and strategy.

d-node platform saas

Track the impact of your funding

Through your personalized dashboard, monitor and download your evolving impact report, access communication materials, and explore a range of other features.

Our Mission

Developing countries represent 50% of the global economy, yet only 2 to 3% of investments are directed towards these areas. By offering a transparent and community-based approach, with one foot in the African vibrant innovation ecosystem and the other in the international financial landscape, we are committed to providing non-dilutive financing opportunities for impactful projects and exclusive impact opportunities for socially-engaged enterprises in underexplored and high-potential markets.

Founding Team

Our team is based in Accra (Ghana) and Paris (France).

Paul Rivière d-node innovation routes
Paul Rivière
Previously: French Development Agency, Innovation Routes, Expertise France
Léandre godefroy d-node innovation routes
Léandre Godefroy
Previously: French Embassy in Ghana, Central European Bank

An extensive network in Africa

With a robust footprint in Africa, d-Node has established a substantial network spanning the continent.

The prior engagements of our members with projects in these areas have yielded valuable insights into development issues and key stakeholders.

Additionally, d-Node leverages the resources of the Innovation Routes NGO, established over two years ago to highlight innovative projects in underserved regions. Our network comprises NGOs, start-ups, innovation hubs, and other actors, all aligned under a shared social mission.

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Logo innovation routes ngo purple

Connect with us to get access to exclusive data in underserved areas and support what matters.

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Solution we are building to drive innovation in emerging markets

Fund impact initiatives and receive one-click ESG report with exclusive market data

Easily track the dynamic impact of your funding  through our  funding scheme, enabling you to position for future opportunities while gaining valuable market insights.

View current rounds

Submit your data-generating activity to get funding and expertise

Propose an activity with clear data and impact figures to attract non-dilutive fundings and garner technical support from sectoral experts.

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